I love rewarding my loyal customers for choosing me as their Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator. I always send a Thank You card & envelope that can be kept or passed on as a thank you when you order from me in my Online Store. Also my loyal customers automatically receive physical copies of the current Stampin’ Up! Catalogs and other mailed goodies & perks. Plus I offer special Host Code Rewards each month when you make a $35 &/or $50 purchase in my Online Store using the month’s Host Code.
February 2025 Host Code B66MXEWC.
With a $50+ order in my Online Store using the February 2025 Host Code B66MXEWC – I’ll included a pack of embellishments with your Thank You card as an extra thank you from me.
**Use the month’s HOST CODE when placing an Online Order up to $149.99 (before Shipping and Tax). When placing an Online Order of $150.00 or more DO NOT use the Host Code as you qualify for Stampin’ Up! Stampin’ Rewards.
Benefits of Using a Host Code?
- Orders of $35+ (before ship & tax) receive an emailed Inspirations In Ink PDF Tutorial.
- Orders of $50 + (before ship & tax) qualify for a free from me pack of embellishments with your Thank You Card.
- Orders of $150+ DO NOT use the Host Code as you qualify for Stampin’ Rewards from Stampin’ Up! but you will still receive a card & the Ordering Special.
When placing an Online Order (of any amount) you’ll receive a card from me as a Thank You. When you use the month’s Host Code on orders of $35+ (before ship & tax) you’ll receive an emailed Inspirations In Ink PDF Tutorial. Orders of $50+ (before ship & tax) qualify for a free from me pack of embellishments with your Thank You Card.
*If you use the Host Code on multiple orders under $35+in one month that combined are $35+ you will receive the month’s Inspiration In Ink PDF Tutorial.
**Orders of $150 or more made without a Host Code will also receive the monthly PDF and an embellishment.
Each Host Code is valid during that month – for example October’s Host Code is valid from October 1st- 31st. On the 1st of November, November’s Host Code will become valid and October’s Host Code will expire.